monomic does not working
Reported by vladimir | May 8th, 2010 @ 10:10 PM
hi, my name is Vladimir, i am from Russia and i use
When i launch any scetch in processing (for example "adc"), i saw
in debug window this:
Stable Library
Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
sorry, no monomes found on the serial bus; ignoring all
and nothing do
Please, help me config my monomic library.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Jesse Kriss May 10th, 2010 @ 11:17 AM
I don't have any experience with the arduinome, but the Monomic library
is looking for anything with "40h" in the serial description.If you run a Processing sketch with these two lines, what do you get?
import processing.serial.Serial;
println(Serial.list()); -
robert December 21st, 2010 @ 09:27 AM
- Milestone order changed from 0 to 0
Same problem as what Vladimir has. I have an 'official' monome.
I runned the two lines of code and I've got this:Stable Library
Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
[0] "/dev/tty.usbserial-m64-0747" [1] "/dev/cu.usbserial-m64-0747" [2] "/dev/tty.SerialPort" [3] "/dev/cu.SerialPort" [4] "/dev/tty.iMac2-Bluetooth-PDA-Sync-1" [5] "/dev/cu.iMac2-Bluetooth-PDA-Sync-1" [6] "/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Modem" [7] "/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem" [8] "/dev/tty.pravdaphone-WirelessiAP" [9] "/dev/cu.pravdaphone-WirelessiAP" [10] "/dev/tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync" [11] "/dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync"My monome was up and running with max/msp. I see it on the list, but the scetch is still getting me a message:
Stable Library
Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
sorry, no monomes found on the serial bus; ignoring all commands
Experimental: JNI_OnLoad called.Wat to do? Do I have to run the MonomeSerial, if yes with wat prefix?
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library for connecting the monome 40h and Processing